Skylight Blinds
Skylight Blinds OFFICE BLIND BLIND AND FLOORING COLLECTION Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia, Selangor, Cheras Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | JFix Solutions Sdn Bhd


Skylight is an ideal sunshading system specifically for glass roof and inclined windows. The system allows occupants to take full control of sun-shading system in an accessible area, blocking out heat and glare.


We offer three type of skylight :

  • Fabric Tension System : Operated by two motors and an FTS controller, FTS eliminates the deflection on fabric by creating a constant and uniform tension during movement.
  • Fabric Roman Blinds: Operated through the method of opening and closing through folding of Roman covering pleats at the horizontal window or special windows on the ceiling.
  • Fabric Spring System : Operated by one motor with the spring-end system. The system is available in wire and guide rail type.

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